The GCCA Net Zero Country Roadmap Accelerator Program helps national cement and concrete industries develop their own roadmaps in line with the GCCA’s 2050 Net Zero Global Industry Roadmap that was developed with ECRA and published in October 2021.
Globally, cement and concrete manufacture accounts for around 7% of CO2 emissions. The global plan to eliminate these emissions by 2050 requires the industry in all parts of the world to accelerate the reductions in CO2 emissions. The Accelerator program helps to identify the local barriers to decarbonisation and recommend key actions. The national roadmaps follow the key principles of the GCCA global roadmap of reaching zero emissions by 2050 with milestones at 2030, cover the whole life of cement and concrete and describe the necessary enabling policies.
Unveiled in March 2022 at MENA Climate Week, the first wave of Accelerators were launched for Egypt, (the host country for COP27 in 2022), India, Thailand and Colombia – a cross section of emerging economies that has enabled development of a broader and deeper understanding. Since then UAE, Tanzania, Nigeria, Morocco, Brazil and Chile have joined the programme.
The GCCA provide the methodology and an ongoing support for the national industry to drive, deliver and thereby own their national roadmap. GCCA, with the support of ECRA ensure that there is a consistency of application of the methodology and provide expertise including transferring experience from one country to another.

The Net Zero Roadmap Accelerator aims, for each country, to:
- Identify the technology pathway to zero emissions by 2050
- Describe the enabling policies
- Accelerate decarbonisation in the sector
- Establish concrete set of actions and projects
- Bridge the dialogue between policy makers and the industry towards policy engagement that will facilitate the implementation of decarbonisation actions
- Capture the attention of the financial institutions to finance sustainable projects
- Ensure our industry receives support and recognition for its decarbonisation efforts
- Help our members progress on the decarbonisation transition through key information, good practice and successful collaboration
Published country roadmaps are:
- Australia*: Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia (CCAA)
- Brazil: Sindicato Nacional da Indústria do Cimento (SNIC)
- Canada*: Cement Association of Canada (CAC)
- Chile: Chilean Concrete and Cement Institute (ICH) & FICEM
- Colombia: Cámara Colombiana del Cemento y el Concreto (PROCEMCO)
- Germany*: Verein Deutscher Zementwerke e.V. (VDZ)
- New Zealand: ConcreteNZ
- Thailand: Thai Cement Manufacturers Association
- United States**: Portland Cement Association (PCA)
- United Kingdom**: Mineral Product Association (MPA)
In addition to the country roadmaps above, CEMBUREAU have published the roadmap for Europe.
Notable countries currently in progress with the publication of their roadmap are:
India, China, Argentina, and Morocco
* have followed the GCCA/ECRA methodology but were not part of accelerator programme.
** have developed whole life technology and policy roadmaps to zero emission in 2050 with intermediary milestones, hence in line with GCCA/ECRA methodology.