The cement and concrete sector is fully committed to achieving significant sustainability progress. The GCCA gathers key data recording the industry’s sustainability commitments. The GNR (“Getting the Numbers Right” or “GCCA in NumbeRs”) is a key tool in how key sustainability progress is monitored and reported.
Latest data
In 2024 data collection we collected data for 2022
- The 2022 Cement Industry GNR data show a 23%* reduction in CO2 per tonne of cementitious has been achieved since 1990
- The proportion of alternative fuels used is 12** times greater than in 1990
- Energy efficiency has improved by 18%***
- Clinker to Cementitious ratio shows an improvement of 9% since 1990
* Note 23% is a rounded figure – actual figure, accurate to 1 decimal places, is 23.25%. This means 0.55% improvement YOY
** Note 12 times is a round figure – actual figure, accurate to 1 decimal places, is 11.60
*** Note 18% is a rounded figure – actual figure accurate up to one decimal place is 17.7

Fossil Fuel Substitution and % Distribution of Conventional Fossil Fuel

% Distribution of Alternative Fuels and Biomass Waste

About the GNR
The GNR database is now managed by the GCCA, having transferred at the end of 2018 from the Cement Sustainability Initiative (an initiative run through the World Business Council for Sustainable Development). Data are collected according to the Cement CO₂ and Energy Protocol.
To access the CO₂ and Energy Accounting and Reporting Standard for the Cement Industry Excel Spreadsheet and Internet Manual, in English or Chinese use following links: Excel Spreadsheet and Internet Manual, in English or Chinese use following links:
- English version
- Chinese version (简体中文版网络手册).
How to access and contribute to GNR Data?
The GNR database is open and transparent to interested parties. This year we have migrated GNR to a new, user-friendly platform. To support interested parties to use and interpret our comprehensive data, we will now provide detailed data and regional data on demand via the GNR Project Management Committee. This will also enable the provision of more tailored solutions to enquiries.
Data is available for: 1990, 2000, and 2005 to 2022. The regions and countries for which data are available are listed here in accordance with anti-trust law and confidentiality requirements. The list of parameters and indicators available is available here.
Please contact the GNR Project Management Committee if your company or organisation is interested in finding out more about participating in the GNR system or for any data enquiries. GNR is a GCCA project, but it is also contributed to by non-GCCA member companies. (CEMBUREAU and FICEM are also key data contributors.)
Individual queries about specific issues will be answered within the strict confidentiality and anti-trust law requirements which the PMC is bound to adhere to.
Data contributors can access the GNR data via the dedicated data visualisation platform. Access is granted by the independent third-party service provider.
Header photo by Jace Afsoon on Unsplash