Votorantim Cimentos

In September 2022, the Votorantim Cimentos cement plant in Alconera (Badajoz, Spain) started a transformative decarbonization journey as it achieved a remarkable 45% thermal substitution rate (TSR) in just six months by incorporating the use of alternative fuels, such as RDF and biomass. This remarkable accomplishment, which typically may take years to achieve, demonstrates the company’s commitment to progress. Votorantim Cimentos’ goal to this plant is to reach an 80% TSR by 2027.

This success is attributed to the expertise of Votorantim Cimentos’ team, combined with a substantial investment, solidifying the company’s role as a pioneer in sustainable operations.

Additionally, Votorantim Cimentos’ strategic commitment to increasing the use of alternative fuels and the creation of a dedicated team to source these materials have played a pivotal role in this achievement. Strong communication among all the parties in the whole value chain has also been a key factor in achieving a high TSR in a short period of time.

This important effort in co-processing combined with different process improvements and other decarbonization levers have resulted in a significant reduction in CO2 net emissions, which have decreased from 639 kg CO2/ton cementitious in 2022 to 557 kg CO2/ton cementitious currently, aiming to reach 398 kg CO2/ton cementitious
by 2028. 

This journey reflects the transformative impact of fast adaptation, strategic investment, and the company’s unwavering dedication to shaping a sustainable and thriving future.