Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies.

SDG16 aims to significantly reduce all forms of violence and related deaths, end the abuse and exploitation of children, and reduce the illegal arms trade. Achieving this means promoting the rule of law by combatting corruption, fostering institutional accountability, and promoting representative decision making.
Advances toward SDG16 aims are uneven with millions around the world still deprived of their security, rights, and opportunities, while attacks on civil society are holding back development progress. Corruption in its various forms is thought to cost developing countries US$1.26 trillion every year – money that could otherwise be spent on poverty reduction. Meanwhile, violence remains widespread: 50% of the world’s children experience violence each year; there are 20 million refugees and over 41 million are internally displaced; and at least 4 million people are stateless.
Sustainable development is built on foundations of peace and justice. It depends on effective institutions to uphold the law and protect human rights. It is supported by a free press, as well as high standards of corporate and institutional accountability. It requires the poor and vulnerable are protected and included in social, political, and economic life.
How the cement and concrete industry is making a positive difference
As part of their commitment to the GCCA Sustainability Charter, GCCA members commit to doing business with transparency, upholding the laws, regulations and institutions within all areas of operation. This includes conducting business in a safe, fair, and trustworthy manner, upholding the highest international standards, and with utmost respect for human rights, the environment, and the communities within which each member operates.
Case studies
Local Dialogue with Stakeholders
SCG Social and Community Development in Thailand