Innovandi Spring Week will be the first bi-annual Innovandi meeting of 2021.
Registrations will open in January 2021 – please come back for more updates.
About Innovandi Spring Week
Innovandi Spring Week will bring together academic and industrial partners from across the Innovandi Network together.
We will also announce the first round of Innovandi Core Projects and further calls for Core Projects at Innovandi Spring Week.
Attendance is open to all Innovandi Partners, and Innovandi Partnership is open to GCCA members, Admixture, Equipment and Technology suppliers.
Any eligible company wishing to become an Industrial Partner can apply in time to attend this meeting. Voting to admit new partners can be held online ahead of the Spring Meeting to allow new partners to play an active role in the Spring Meeting. Contact the Innovandi General Manager Dr Helen Murphy for details:
Innovandi progress in 2020
After the success of the Innovandi Kick off Week in June 2020, Innovandi Partner Project Sessions and Innovandi Autumn Weeks were held in September 2020 online to:
- showcase and admit Partner Projects into the Innovandi network
- launch the first wave of calls for Core Project Proposals shaped by Industrial Partners.
The Partner Project Online Poster Sessions (14th – 18th September), which showcased projects from academia aligned with the Innovandi research roadmap, saw 291 registrations from Industry and Academia from 5 continents. Innovandi Autumn Week (28th September – 1st October) saw 295 registrations from Industry and Academia representing 5 continents. As a result of these sessions and healthy discussions:
- 35 Partner Projects from Academia have now been accepted into the Innovandi network.
- 7 industry defined calls for Core Project Proposals were launched to address topics which have the potential to reduce CO2 emissions from cement and concrete.
A further Innovandi research roadmapping exercise will take place in 2021, to ensure all Industrial Partners can input into defining and shaping Core Projects.