GCCRN Projects – Admixture

Admixture plays an important role in decarbonisation in using new constituents by adjusting different parameters such as the reactivity, rheology, and water demand. 

Core and Partner Projects

Partner Projects 

  1. Benchmark of chemical reactivity and mixing water demand 
  2. Design for manufacture of 3D concrete printed structural composites 
  3. Impact of polycationic accelerators on the driving force for C-S-H precipitation 
  4. New insights into the impact of chemical admixtures on the rheology and durability of limestone calcined clay cements

Scientific Contributors

Partner Projects: 

  1. Instituto Eduardo Torroja – CSIC 
  2. University of Bourgogne 
  3. University of Sao Paolo 
  4. University of Sheffield

Article References


[1] A. Picker, L. Nicoleau, A. Nonat, C. Labbez, H. Cölfen, Influence of polymers on the nucleation of calcium silicate hydrates, Cem. Concr. Res. 174 (2023) 107329. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.CEMCONRES.2023.107329

[2] P.C.R.A. Abrão, F.A. Cardoso, V.M. John, Efficiency of Portland-pozzolana cements: Water demand, chemical reactivity and environmental impact, Constr. Build. Mater 247 (2020) 118546. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.CONBUILDMAT.2020.118546

[3] S. Ghazizadeh, T. Hanein, J.L. Provis, T. Matschei, Estimation of standard molar entropy of cement hydrates and clinker minerals, Cem Concr Res 136 (2020) 106188. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconres.2020.106188

[4] V.M. John, M. Quattrone, P.C.R.A. Abrão, F.A. Cardoso, Rethinking cement standards: Opportunities for a better future, Cem Concr Res 124 (2019) 105832. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.CEMCONRES.2019.105832