CEMBUREAU Roadmap towards carbon neutrality by 2050 / Time for execution

Following the publication of its Carbon Neutrality Roadmap, CEMBUREAU has published on its website an interactive map of decarbonisation investments, which references 100 projects for which information is publicly available.  Further projects are added to the map on a regular basis.

Time for execution is now

The project list is testimony to the industry‘s climate commitment. It also demonstrates that we are moving from concepts and target-setting to execution. This requires a strong focus on the facilitating measures to ensure each of these projects is built on a viable business case. “Access” will be the key word in our advocacy going forward, access to (i) sufficient non-fossil based energy sources; (ii) alternative raw materials and clinker substituting materials as well as to sustainable biomass, (iii) public funding and financing schemes to de-risk investments and (iv) pipelines and storage sites as well as viable CO2 use applications for CO2 captured from cement plants.              

Updating our ambition   

Each of the claims set out above will need to be substantiated by facts and figures and more detailed information about concrete bottlenecks to project implementation. CEMBUREAU is now proceeding with a fact-finding exercise combined with an update of its 2050 Roadmap. A dedicated group of experts has initiated work to update the Roadmap and assess progress made on the decarbonization levers with the objective of adjusting them where needed and adding a 2040 target on the 2030-2050 path already set out. It is our intention to present the updated Roadmap in time for the newly elected European Parliament and new European Commission.