Shree Cement Limited is among the top 3 cement manufacturing companies in India with a capacity of 46.4 MTPA. Our manufacturing facilities at 14 locations including four integrated plants and ten split grinding units form the core of our operations. These facilities provide them with space wherein multiple opportunities for innovation and creativity are explored. As a result of their focus on continuous improvement, they have been able to achieve ‘best-in-class’ operational excellence.

Enhanced AFR & Biomass utilization
- Shree Cement aspires to enhance TSR progressively within the upcoming years. Towards this, they have invested for the enhancement of our waste utilization capacities with state of art technologies from Denmark & Italy to be commissioned by FY 2022-23. This would not only increase the usage of Plastic Waste & Municipal Waste – RDF in Cement Kilns, but will also lead to lower GHG emissions by reduction in consumption of fossil fuels.
- They have started using Agriculture Waste (Crop-residue) in their Ras Power Plants and scaled it to more than 100 MT per day. Shree Cement are progressing to double its usage by December 22. Use of biomass as renewable source of energy helps in reducing CO2 emission as well as enabling income to nearby farmer’s community.
- Shree Cement’s 3 grinding units in North region (Bulandshahar, Panipat & Khuskhera) have switched to cleaner fuels and replaced 100% fossil fuels. This initiative is being replicated to all grinding units of the group.
Green Energy
- Shree Cement’s power generation capacity from waste heat recovery based power plants is highest in the world cement industry excluding China. They have installed power plants (thermal, wind, solar, waste heat recovery based) of aggregate capacity of 771 MW. Shree Cement takes pride in sharing that they have consistently increased the share of green power in the total power consumption at 48.2% which is one of the highest in the industry. They have been continuously investing in expanding their green energy portfolio and plan to install 33 MW WHRS Plant at our upcoming Nawalgarh plant and 106 MW Solar power plants at various locations.