Thai Cement Manufacturers Association or TCMA is the cooperation of the leading Thai cement producers, who determine to develop cement industry to become the main force in developing the country’s infrastructure, to be environmentally friendly industry and to operate the industry with responsibility by working jointly with all parties concerned at domestically and internationally towards the ultimate goal of sustainable development. TCMA has focused on climate change, resource use and circular economy to achieve these objectives.
TCMA is committed to collaborate with all sectors in driving cement industry and value chain towards net zero emission as goal set. With that, 2 outstanding progresses has been made in line with GCCA Concrete Future Net Zero Roadmap

Announcement of ‘MISSION 2023’
Continuing of the first achievement to reduce 300,000 ton-CO2 in 2021, TCMA joined forces with government, professional, industrial, and academic sectors with support of 6 ministries to further reduce greenhouse gas emission from clinker substitution measure by stimulate implementing of low carbon cement (hydraulic cement) in all construction nationwide. Aiming at with this action-so called ‘MISSION 2023’, cement industry will help increasing the country’s potential in reducing GHG emission at 1,000,000 ton-CO2 in 2023.
Thailand Chapter: Net Zero Cement and Concrete Roadmap 2050
TCMA, in collaboration with Thailand Concrete Association and close advising of GCCA has developed ‘Thailand Chapter: Net Zero Cement & Concrete Roadmap 2050’, which is well accepted and supported from the recent GCCA CEO Gathering in Atlanta, USA. Thai cement and concrete, with intensive implementing of a clear roadmap and collaboration with all sectors both domestically and internationally together with strong support from the government, will contribute more on GHG emission reduction and expect to achieve net zero emission target by 2050 in line with global direction.